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Hejian Chip (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.

date:2019-09-06    browser:76
Project Name:  77K clean room Expansion Project
Location of the Engineering:  333 xinghua Street, Suzhou Industrial Park 
Construction Unit:  Hechuan Chip Manufacturing (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. 
Summary of the Engineering:  1 F, 2F, 3F, 4F Clean Room Decoration; air conditioning system; process cooling water system; compressed air system; process vacuum system; pure water system; waste water system; laundry line; fire water system; very early fire alarm system; smoke control and extraction system; clean elevator project; CCTV monitoring system; ACS access control system; power monitoring system; inhaled smoke sensing system: Fire alarm system; broadcasting system; procurement and installation of the process panels; equipment distribution; lamp insertion system; central monitoring system


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